Water Proofing

Discover how to waterproof your basement, insulate and keep it dry and comfortable. You can save

waterproofing repair

waterproofing repair

more than a 50% of the outlay owing to basement remodel home improvements. Respect our recommendations and you will add to the value of your home.

Basement Waterproofing
Discover more about basement waterproofing and maintenance; get to know how to waterproof, remodel your basement, eliminate the most common problems and keep the foundation in good order.
Waterproofing & Dampproofing
Here you will find categories and definitions of waterproofing and dampproofing. Get to know what means the hydrostatic pressure force and how to choose a contractor for this scope of work.
Residential Waterproofing Products
Clear up the significance of residential waterproofing. Survey five accepted residential waterproofing products and systems. Observe what types of products are used for residential waterproofing.
Types of Pipes
Read about the water pipes that were in style in former times. Familiarize yourself with common classes of delivery pipes, their inside and outside diameters. Look through the table with adduced standard copper tubing sizes for plumbing.
Dealing with Waterproofing Contractor
Get to know how you should properly communicate with your waterproofing contractor. Seek out what difficulties you may face when identifying the problem and hiring a contractor.
Foundation Drain Tile Setting up
Get to know foundation drainage tile system, find out how to install it to improve your basement waterproofing. Learn about foundation drainage tile system parts which include drain tile, the filter media, the gravel cover, and the water outlet.
How to Repair Frozen Water Pipes
Get to know how to repair frozen water pipes and eliminate various malfunctions connected with them. Study the key precautionary tips how to deter the water lines congealing and preserve your water system in safety during a cold spell.
Preparing Your Water Pipes for Winter
Find out how to prepare your water pipes for winter and avoid problems with congealed water lines. Consider some pieces of advice how to deter troubles with frozen pipes and what to do if you have not managed to take measures in proper time.
Sump Pumps
Learn about sump pumps and find out how they can help you to protect your basement against excess ground water. Get familiar with different kinds of sump pumps.
Waterproofing Compounds
Here you will get some information about waterproofing compounds; find out more about their practical application and effects they produce.
Waterproofing Safe Keeping
Read about the ways how to avoid troubles working with water-resistant equipment; get acquainted with the main safe keeping points that go along with waterproofing and find some tips for keeping your household in perfect security.
If you want to avoid a number of costly basement problems from arising in the future, make waterproofing properly. With some rational construction techniques, a trustworthy waterproofing system and humidity control, you can benefit from a considerable extra living space. All it takes of you is a little time and effort.